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Baskin Engineering courtyard

An engineering school for the 21st century

Baskin Engineering courtyard

Portrait of Alexander Wolf
Alexander Wolf, Dean of the Baskin School of Engineering 


The Baskin School of Engineering at UC Santa Cruz is unique among public engineering schools. By offering future-looking programs of study and opportunities to engage in collaborative research across campus and with industry partners in Santa Cruz and nearby Silicon Valley, Baskin Engineering is a school of engineering for the 21st century.

Founded in 1997, in the age of the internet, the Baskin Engineering community is deeply committed to addressing the most important engineering challenges posed by our modern world. Faculty and students pursue novel, visionary research guided by a mission to create positive societal impact.

Meet Alexander Wolf, Dean of the Baskin School of Engineering 

Who We Are

The faculty, staff, researchers, and students of Baskin Engineering share a passion for learning, research, and discovery. We strive to be the best educators, engineers, and administrators that we can be; to lead the way in our fields, like big data, cyber-physical systems, genomics, and computational media; and to work together to provide opportunities to collaborate, contribute, and grow within our community.

We are Baskin Engineers.

What We Do

We offer undergraduate and graduate degrees in Applied Mathematics, Biomolecular Engineering, Computational Media, Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Statistics as well as masters degrees in Natural Language Processing and Human Computer Interaction. A collegial atmosphere encourages collaborative interaction as faculty and students carry out joint research projects with other academic divisions and with other universities as well as industry and government research laboratories. Our faculty and students work with Silicon Valley companies, including Amazon, Google, Hewlett-Packard, Samsung, and the rapidly expanding tech industry in Santa Cruz provides additional opportunities for exciting collaborations.

Why We Do It

At Baskin Engineering, we are committed to developing socially responsible innovations that drive new technological advancements and benefit society. Our faculty and students work at the intersection of bold ideas and real-world challenges, using research to address some of the most pressing issues of our time. From AgTech and climate solutions to genomics and more, we create solutions that transform communities, industries, and the world.

Group of people smiling

Baskin Leadership

The Baskin School of Engineering is helmed by our dean and associate deans, who bring decades of expertise in research and education to their leadership roles. Our leadership works closely with faculty, students, and staff to ensure that Baskin Engineering’s visionary research and interdisciplinary curriculum improve the world and our place in it through bold and socially responsible innovation.

Meet our leaders


Faculty members in the Baskin School of Engineering are leaders in their fields, with active research portfolios and engaging teaching programs. Many of our faculty have strong ties to industry, including nearby Silicon Valley as well as right here in Santa Cruz. Some of our faculty lead thriving research centers, others run international summer programs, while still others bring together large groups of interdisciplinary scholars to solve global challenges. We invite you to get to know our faculty and their research.

Meet our faculty


Baskin School of Engineering staff are an integral part of the school. Whether they’re helping students navigate the sometimes knotty world of engineering degrees, assisting faculty with course materials, or facilitating engagement with the wider community, Baskin Engineering staff are dedicated to the education and research endeavors of the school.

Meet our staff


The students at the Baskin School of Engineering are hardworking, innovative, and engaged. They participate in hands-on learning and research in classrooms and laboratories and benefit from a collaborative and supportive environment. Many of our students thrive in student-run organizations such as Slugbotics or Girls Who Code, and often take on leadership roles in which they learn and share professional skills and connect with their peers to form the foundations of a strong professional network.

Meet some of our students

Baskin Engineering 2 Build

Baskin Engineering Buildings

The Baskin Engineering Buildings are located on the main UCSC Campus and serve as a thriving space for innovation, collaboration, and academic life. Here, faculty and students develop bold solutions to society’s most pressing challenges – from climate change and disease prevention to developing sustainable AgTech solutions, and engineering socially responsible technology. Get directions and more information.

Aerial image of Westside Research Park

Westside Research Park

Westside Research Park (WRP) fosters groundbreaking research in genomics, neuroscience, energy, robotics, and more — bringing scientists together to develop novel solutions to complex challenges across disciplines. WRP is home to the UCSC Genome Browser, one of the most widely used tools in genomics worldwide, and hosts many cutting-edge labs.

Front of Silicon Valley Campus building

UCSC Silicon Valley Campus

The Silicon Valley Campus (SVC) is a hub for high-impact research, technological innovation, and interdisciplinary learning. Our faculty and students conduct innovative research relevant to the local tech field, leveraging close ties with Silicon Valley industry partners to extend the impact of their work. Baskin Engineering at SVC is advancing knowledge across three industry-relevant areas, including games and playable media, human computer interaction, and natural language processing.