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People in Computational Media

Department Leadership and Advisors

Department Chair

Magy Seif El Nasr

  • Campus Email
  • Office Location
    • UC Santa Cruz Silicon Valley Campus, 3249
Profile picture of Magy Seif El Nasr

Vice Chair, Human Computer Interaction M.S.

Norman Makoto Su

  • Campus Email
  • Office Location
    • UC Santa Cruz Silicon Valley Campus, 3259
Profile picture of Norman Makoto Su

Vice Chair, Games and Playable Media M.S.

Nathan Daniel Altice

Profile picture of Nathan Daniel Altice

Undergraduate Director

Adam M Smith

  • Title
    • Assistant Professor
  • Campus Email
  • Office Location
    • Engineering Building 2, 269
Profile picture of Adam M Smith

Graduate Director

Sri H Kurniawan

  • Title
    • Professor
  • Campus Email
  • Office Location
    • Engineering Building 2, 371
Profile picture of Sri H Kurniawan

Senior Department Manager

Emily L Gregg

  • Campus Email
  • Office Location
    • Engineering Building 2, Room 298K
Profile picture of Emily L Gregg

Graduate Advisor

Crystal Celeste Navarro

  • Title
    • Graduate Student Advisor (CMPM MS/PhD)
  • Office Location
    • Engineering Building 2, 595
Profile picture of Crystal Celeste Navarro


Graduate Advisor

Anna Xie

  • Title
    • Graduate Student Advisor (GPM/HCI)
  • Office Location
    • UC Santa Cruz Silicon Valley Campus, 3332
Profile picture of Anna Xie


CM Department Office Assistant

Chris Jiang

Profile picture of Chris Jiang

GPM/HCI Program Assistant

Ramon Rubio

  • Title
    • Program Assistant
Profile picture of Ramon Rubio


Nathan Daniel Altice

Profile picture of Nathan Daniel Altice

Elin Carstensdottir

Profile picture of Elin Carstensdottir

Christina Chung

Profile picture of Christina Chung

Graeme J Devine

Profile picture of Graeme J Devine

Joel Dreskin

Profile picture of Joel Dreskin

Aviv Elor

Profile picture of Aviv Elor

Zac Emerzian

Profile picture of Zac Emerzian

Angus Forbes

Profile picture of Angus Forbes

Samantha Gorman

Profile picture of Samantha Gorman

Katherine C Isbister

Profile picture of Katherine C Isbister

Michael B John

Profile picture of Michael B John

Ayesha Khalid

Profile picture of Ayesha Khalid

Sri H Kurniawan

Profile picture of Sri H Kurniawan

Tad A Leckman

Profile picture of Tad A Leckman

David Timothy Lee

Profile picture of David Timothy Lee

Michael J Mateas

Profile picture of Michael J Mateas

Edward F Melcer

Profile picture of Edward F Melcer

Wes Modes

Profile picture of Wes Modes

Yassi Moghaddam

  • Title
    • Executive Director, Human-Computer Interaction Program and Lecturer
  • Campus Email
Profile picture of Yassi Moghaddam

Kathryn Ringland

Profile picture of Kathryn Ringland

Magy Seif El Nasr

Profile picture of Magy Seif El Nasr

Daniel G Shapiro

Profile picture of Daniel G Shapiro

Adam M Smith

Profile picture of Adam M Smith

Adam Sporka

Profile picture of Adam Sporka

Norman Makoto Su

  • Title
    • Associate Professor and Vice Chair of Human Computer Interaction
  • Campus Email
Profile picture of Norman Makoto Su

Noah G Wardrip-Fruin

Profile picture of Noah G Wardrip-Fruin

Emmet James Whitehead

  • Title
    • Associate Dean for Undergraduate Experience
  • Campus Email
Profile picture of Emmet James Whitehead

Stephen J Whittaker

Profile picture of Stephen J Whittaker

Christopher F Yonge

Profile picture of Christopher F Yonge