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The Glen G. Langdon Fellowship

The Glen G. Langdon Fellowship honors Professor Emeritus of Computer Engineering Glen Langdon. A founding faculty member of the Department of Computer Engineering at Baskin Engineering, Langdon’s pioneering work in computer architecture and image and data compression placed an indelible stamp on the program and the many undergraduate and graduate students, and faculty he mentored prior to retirement. In addition to his research and teaching, as a Life Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), Langdon made major contributions to the establishment of computer engineering as a discipline of accredited engineering education.

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering established the fellowship to honor Professor Emeritus Glen Langdon’s contributions to the department, to the discipline of Computer Engineering, and to the IEEE. The purpose of the namesake prize is to keep memory of his accomplishments and humor alive for generations to come.

The Glen G. Langdon Fellowship is awarded annually to an entering graduate student in the field of computer engineering, who today could come from the Baskin Engineering electrical and computer engineering or computer science and engineering programs. It is to be awarded each year based on academic merit and IEEE affiliation.

Individuals interested in contributing to The Glen G. Langdon Prize click here.

You may also contact Frank Howley for more information.

Glen G. Langdon