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Biomolecular engineering researchers showcase their projects at retreat 

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Biomolecular engineering researchers smile posing on a large staircase

More than 100 faculty, graduate students, and research staff from the Biomolecular Engineering (BME) department at the Baskin School of Engineering gathered to present their work at a research retreat on Friday, March 21.

At the one-day retreat, BME researchers came together to present their research in the form of talks and posters, giving them the opportunity to learn about each other’s work and discuss ideas.

Awards were given out to researchers for best talks and posters. The winners were:

Research talks:

  • 1st place: “Engineering programmable stem cell-based embryo models” by Gerrald Lodewijk and Carly Guiltinan from the Shariati Lab
  • 2nd place (tied): “Advancing rare disease diagnosis with long read sequencing and pangenome-guided genome assembly methods” by Shloka Negi from the MigaPaten Lab and “Engineering De Novo Protein Switches For Albumin Detection” by Estrella Arteaga Organiz from the Yeh Lab

Research posters: