Colleen Josephson, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering at the UC Santa Cruz Baskin School of Engineering, is one of 10 recipients of the Networking Networking Women (N2Women) 2022 Rising Star in Computer Networking and Communications Award.
This award honors and celebrates early career women researchers from around the world who have made outstanding research contributions to the fields of networking and communications. N2Women is a community that fosters connections among women researchers and promotes increased representation of women in these subfields of engineering.

“It’s an amazing honor to be selected for this award. So many of my mentors and role models have been honored as Stars or Rising Stars in past years,” Josephson said. “N2Women also runs great events at almost every flagship conference. These inclusive and educational events let young researchers interact closely with existing (and future!) giants of the field, which is simply a fantastic opportunity.”
Josephson’s research interests include wireless sensing and communications systems, with a focus on technology that furthers sustainable practices, including designing novel sensing paradigms for agriculture, inventing techniques for ultra-low power communication in indoor sensor networks, and exploiting non-traditional energy sources, such as microbes, for sustainable sensing. She received both her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in electrical engineering and computer science from MIT and her Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Stanford University.
Josephson is the recipient of the Stanford Graduate, Schlumberger Innovation, and D.E. Shaw Exploration fellowships. She joined Baskin Engineering from industry in spring 2022. In her time at UCSC, she has established the jLab in Smart Sensing as well as a graduate student and postdoctoral researcher luncheon series for women in electrical and computer engineering and computer science and engineering—an event intended to further diversity and inclusion at Baskin Engineering.
View the full 2022 Rising Stars list.