PBS’s ‘Easter Island Origins’ explores surprising genetic research to help tell the story of the Rapa Nui people

Five giant stone heads characteristic to Rapa Nui standing in a row with blue sky in the background

Ishaan Bansal, a second-year computer science and engineering student at UC Santa Cruz, won first place in the Interactive Media track at HackMIT, an annual student-run hackathon held in the fall at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Genomics Institute postdoc mentors budding entrepreneurs through Clinton Global Initiative University

Adriano de Bernardi Schneider (center) with his Clinton Global Initiative University mentees Michael Li (left) and Benjamin Voller-Brown (right).

Schneider has been a mentor for the Clinton Global Initiative University in the area of infectious diseases since 2018, helping students take their ideas for making a positive impact on the world from conception to reality. Each year, he receives a cohort that ranges in size from 15 to 30 students, who come to him virtually from all over the world.

UC Santa Cruz’s Baskin School of Engineering waives its GRE requirement

students in the Science and Engineering Library

All seventeen of UC Santa Cruz’s graduate engineering programs have chosen to temporarily waive the GRE test requirement for 2021 applicants. Ten programs have permanently dropped the test.

Three teams from Baskin Engineering win the UCSC IDEA Hub Pitch Contest

robotic device

Sixteen student teams competed for $6000 in prize money in the 2020 UCSC IDEA Hub Pitch Contest. All three finalists were from the Baskin School of Engineering and represented projects for social good.

Alumni Stories: Shereen Oraby’s industry-relevant experience at Baskin Engineering lands her a job with Amazon Alexa AI

Shereen Oraby

As a Ph.D. student at UC Santa Cruz, Shereen Oraby was on the cutting edge of research in Natural Language Processing. Now she is working on developing machine learning models for one of the world’s best-known virtual assistants.