Genomics Institute postdoc mentors budding entrepreneurs through Clinton Global Initiative University

Adriano de Bernardi Schneider (center) with his Clinton Global Initiative University mentees Michael Li (left) and Benjamin Voller-Brown (right).

Schneider has been a mentor for the Clinton Global Initiative University in the area of infectious diseases since 2018, helping students take their ideas for making a positive impact on the world from conception to reality. Each year, he receives a cohort that ranges in size from 15 to 30 students, who come to him virtually from all over the world.

Marcella Gomez: Faculty

Marcella Gomez

Graduate Institution: California Institute of Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Ph.D
Undergraduate Institution: UC Berkeley, Mechanical Engineering, B.S.
Department: Applied Mathematics
Hometown: Riverside, CA

“I think being at the edge of human knowledge is exciting for me. I just like pushing that boundary; I’m interested in all kinds of fields and I’m just interested in learning.”

David Lee: Faculty

David Lee

Degree Program: Assistant Professor, Technology Management
Graduate Institution: Stanford University
Undergraduate Institution: California Institute of Technology
Department: Computational Media

“I wanted to find a way to organize large numbers of people to support nonprofits. I knew that my research in crowd-sourcing, and in bringing people together to accomplish tasks, could help.”

Robert Lund: Faculty

Robert Lund: Faculty

Graduate Institution: University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Undergraduate Institution: Auburn University
Department: Professor and Department Chair, Statistics

“What I do as a statistician is crunch the numbers. We take data, compare it to what a climatologist’s model predicts, and give them our conclusions and how sure we are of those conclusions.”

Marcela Alfaro-Córdoba: New Faculty

Graduate Institution: Iowa State University, M.S., North Carolina State University, Ph.D.
Undergraduate Institution: Universidad de Costa Rica
Department: Statistics

“It’s exciting to introduce the topic of statistics to people that have no prior knowledge or experience with the field. My goal is to motivate students to keep learning about the field of statistics.”