News Brief: Partnership between UCSC and UNAM improving COVID-19 detection

Claudia Wehrhahn Cortes

In April 2020, Alianza UCMX, a partnership between the University of California and the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), put out a special call for “Binational Collaboration Addressing COVID-19.” They offered $10,000 per project (split evenly between universities), with the possibility of an extension after six months.

UC Santa Cruz’s Baskin School of Engineering waives its GRE requirement

students in the Science and Engineering Library

All seventeen of UC Santa Cruz’s graduate engineering programs have chosen to temporarily waive the GRE test requirement for 2021 applicants. Ten programs have permanently dropped the test.

Three teams from Baskin Engineering win the UCSC IDEA Hub Pitch Contest

robotic device

Sixteen student teams competed for $6000 in prize money in the 2020 UCSC IDEA Hub Pitch Contest. All three finalists were from the Baskin School of Engineering and represented projects for social good.

Lynne Sheehan retires after 33 years: Staff organize food drive in lieu of retirement party

Lynne Sheehan

Lynne Sheehan, network administrator for the Baskin School of Engineering and avid supporter of Second Harvest Food Bank of Santa Cruz, is retiring after 33 years of service to UC Santa Cruz.

Four UCSC engineers awarded Google Faculty Research Awards

Google campus

Professor and Associate Dean for Graduate Studies Matthew Guthaus, Professor Lise Getoor, Assistant Professor Lindsey Kuper, and Professor Jose Renau will receive funding and support, which includes tuition for a graduate student.

Ryan Modlin: Alumnus and Graduate Student

Degree Program: B.S., Bioengineering, M.S., Microbiology and Environmental Toxicology
Graduate Institution: UC Santa Cruz
Undergraduate Institution: UC Santa Cruz
Department: Biomolecular Engineering
Hometown: Huntington Beach, CA

“Currently, my project is engineering zymomonas mobilis, a unique organism that has a specific metabolic pathway that helps increase the production of biofuels, specifically ethanol and butanol… Fossil fuels are quickly becoming depleted and are very toxic, so if we were able to find a sustainable synthetic source of fuel, it would be extremely beneficial for overall environmental health.”