Professor Shiva Abbaszadeh collaborating with Western Digital to advance the engineering of chalcogenide alloys in novel semiconductor devices

Shiva Abbaszadeh

The Radiological Instrumentation Laboratory (RIL) directed by Shiva Abbaszadeh, has entered into a research and development agreement with Western Digital, a leading data infrastructure company, to advance optical and electronic properties of chalcogenide alloys.

Sheldon Logan: Confronting racism and creating change

Sheldon Logan

During the final talk of the Diverse Voices 2021 series, Baskin Engineering alumnus Sheldon Logan homed in on the topic of deep-rooted anti-Black racism in America and the actions we need to take to work towards a more just society.

Cutting-edge research in engineering and science presented at the first annual Baskin Engineering UC Postdoctoral Fellowship Symposium

UC President’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Program (PPFP) and Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Program (CPFP) Symposium flyer

The Baskin School of Engineering and Genomics Institute hosted a two-day, virtual symposium showcasing the research of six UC postdoctoral fellows.