Graduate Institution: Loyola Marymount University, M.A. Counseling & Capella University, Ph.D. Education
Undergraduate Institution: Washington State University
Department: Undergraduate Advising
LinkedIn: Andi Peeters’s LinkedIn
Andi Peeters joined the Baskin School of Engineering in January 2021 as Director of Undergraduate Advising. Before joining the Baskin Engineering advising team, Peeters was Dean of Student Affairs for almost four years at Menlo College. Although Peeters’s role primarily involves leadership and administrative duties, she still gets the opportunity to work with students regularly, fulfilling her passion to help students reach their academic and professional goals.
Describe the work you do at the Baskin School of Engineering.
I work as the Director of Undergraduate Advising. I work with a team of, currently, five full time advisors. I do some advising and so does the Assistant Director of Undergraduate Advising. We work with students in eleven different majors in six programs. A lot of the work we do is helping students understand the complexities of the Baskin Engineering programs and ensuring they are on the right academic path. I also do quite a bit of work with campus partners. I am on the Advising Council and currently helping with degree audit efforts. Having that camaraderie and partnerships with other advising units and teams across campus is really important to ensure our students have as streamlined of an advising experience as possible.
You started working at the school during the pandemic. What has the experience of working remotely been like for you?
It’s been good. I thought it would be harder than it actually was. In addition to starting a new job, I also moved from another city and was trying to get settled with all the newness in my life. One of the silver linings with starting remotely is that I’ve been able to focus a lot more on the administrative piece of my role. One of the main things I’ve been working on is streamlining processes so they can be more efficient.
What are you looking forward to when campus returns to in person this fall?
I’m looking forward to being in an office, working with my team in person, and meeting the students. Just all the things you get when working on a college campus. And, I must say, I’m looking forward to having a coffee cart just a flight of stairs away.
What is one of your favorite aspects of your role?
I think the energy that goes along with working with college students and the energy on a college campus is infectious. One of my favorite things is helping students learn how to be a college student. It’s a wonderful yet scary thing for a student to adjust to. Helping a student navigate those tougher times and celebrate the highs is key. My two favorite days of the year are the first day of the academic year and commencement. To see students walk across the stage with the world at their fingertips is just rad!
What inspires you most about the students at Baskin Engineering?
Their drive, determination, and resilience. I hand it to the students who continue to keep forging forward despite being faced with obstacles and challenges.
What advice do you have for students in our Baskin Engineering programs?
Be epic! Don’t give up, you WILL have the world at your fingertips. Your degree is your golden ticket to life.
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