Baskin Engineering alumnus, dean discuss 21st century leadership at virtual event

Screenshot during the zoom event

Noted author and Baskin Engineering alumnus Michael Lopp joined Dean Alexander Wolf at this month’s University Forum for a virtual conversation on leadership in the 21st century.

Sheldon Logan: Confronting racism and creating change

Sheldon Logan

During the final talk of the Diverse Voices 2021 series, Baskin Engineering alumnus Sheldon Logan homed in on the topic of deep-rooted anti-Black racism in America and the actions we need to take to work towards a more just society.

Cutting-edge research in engineering and science presented at the first annual Baskin Engineering UC Postdoctoral Fellowship Symposium

UC President’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Program (PPFP) and Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Program (CPFP) Symposium flyer

The Baskin School of Engineering and Genomics Institute hosted a two-day, virtual symposium showcasing the research of six UC postdoctoral fellows.

Keerthi Krishnan: Alumnus

Degree Program: B.S., Computer Science, minor in Applied Mathematics
Graduate Institution: Chapman University
Undergraduate Institution: UC Santa Cruz
Department: Computer Science and Engineering

“Baskin [Engineering] gave me that forefront of knowledge that allowed me to excel in my graduate career.”

Mathematical solution could improve network analysis

Professor Comandur

A team of UC Santa Cruz researchers led by computer science Professor Seshadhri Comandur have completely characterized the kind of six-person plus complex patterns that can be efficiently counted on a network. This has important applications beyond the realm of mathematics, including epidemic spread and tracking the spread of disinformation on a social network.

Neel Sundaresan’s Internship Tips

Baskin Engineering buildings

Neel Sundaresan, adjunct professor of computer science and engineering in the Baskin School of Engineering at UC Santa Cruz, and VP of engineering at Microsoft, Cloud & AI shared some advice for UC Santa Cruz engineers interested in applying to internships during the junior year.

Baskin Engineering announces nine new faculty members

2020 New Baskin Engineering faculty

The Baskin School of Engineering welcomes nine new faculty members this year, bringing the total faculty count to 115. These new faculty bring expertise in a wide range of subjects to the school of engineering, including statistical computing, computer security, human-robot interaction, wireless communications, serious games, artificial intelligence, and more.

Cal-Bridge pilots program offering CSU students access to UC Ph.D programs

CAL Bridge logo

Cal-Bridge is extending its mentorship program to computation-focused students. The program connects promising California State University (CSU) students with mentors at CSU and University of California (UC) campuses.