Degree Program: Computer Engineering, B.S.
Department: Computer Science and Engineering
Hometown: Santa Rosa, CA

“What I like best about being an engineering major would be the amount of flexibility we are given to express our creativity into creating solutions to problems individuals can use in the real world.”
This is one of five profiles spotlighting current and former transfer students as part of Baskin Engineering’s celebration of National Transfer Week, October 17–21, 2022.
Sammy Tesfai is a computer engineering student at Baskin Engineering. He transferred to UC Santa Cruz from Santa Rosa Junior College, located in Santa Rosa, CA.
What has your transfer student experience been like?
When I first transferred to UCSC, it was a bit overwhelming considering I was transitioning from a semester to quarter system. The hardest part of it was identifying an efficient workflow. Once I found a flow that worked best for me, everything else just fell into place.
What made you decide to be a part of Baskin Engineering?
I chose Baskin Engineering because I knew the faculty and staff that support the engineering programs have a substantial amount of experience and research in their respective fields. After reading into some of the faculty members’ backgrounds, I knew Baskin would be the best fit for me.
What do you like best about being an engineering major?
What I like best about being an engineering major would be the amount of flexibility we are given to express our creativity into creating solutions to problems inpiduals can use in the real world. This major challenges students to think outside the box and use the fundamental skills they have learned in their coursework to express their creativity in personal, club, or research projects.
What advice would you give to other transfer students who are interested in joining Baskin Engineering?
For anyone interested in joining Baskin Engineering, I highly recommend exploring all the different areas of engineering and finding your passions. Once you find an area you are interested in, it will help define a solid foundation for what you can do in the future.
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