Computational media researcher’s new virtual reality games empower underrepresented communities, support social wellbeing

smile train collab vr game screenshot

Drawing from her research experience in human computer interaction, virtual reality, and assistive technologies, Baskin Engineering Ph.D. candidate Tiffany Thang is creating serious games to support individuals in their development of socioemotional skills and self-confidence.

Abigail Kaun: Staff

Abigail Kaun

Department: Baskin Engineering Dean’s Office
Graduate Institution: UCLA, Linguistics, Ph.D.
Undergraduate Institution: UCSB, Linguistics, B.A.

“I’ve worked with students my whole career, in all sorts of settings and with all sorts of objectives in life, but I have never worked with students who were more creative, collaborative, and dedicated than the engineering students at UC Santa Cruz.”

Business strategy course provides value to local nonprofits, augments the experiential learning student experience

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The Baskin School of Engineering Business Strategy and Information Systems course, offered in the spring, provides undergraduate students real-world experience and valuable technical skills through community-engaged consultancy projects.